I'm brutally and deliriously happy for some of my school friends, classmates here, cousins and old and not so old friends who are newly wed or getting married in 2010 or this year 2011... May you guys continue the next step of life happily and with so much love a
and joys ...
As for me marriage is totally a big thing and I don't and can't really see me getting into that "step" in near life..seems really BIG STEP to me. And I do respect for those who made decision to get wed now, must be tough!because basics rule about getting married is;
"you get wed or to be more precise can get wed when you are ready to carry the toughest responsibility where once a while you may face bumpy roads along the way as husband or wife, manage to work them out TOGETHER and swear and promise to each other to protect and to love your spouse till forever"
A very simple advice :
there will be nomore U nor I or yours nor mine once you're married, there will be 24:7 US and ours.. ; )))
Seems like a BIG responsibility for me now... Fuuihhhh! ; p
Once again to newly wed couplesszzzzz congratulation!!you guys just look stunning and great on your big day. And those who are planning to leap into "the most cherious moments of your life" step, congrats to you too.. And BIG thank you to you because you guys just added tons of collection of pics and videos of wedding into my new HOBBY which I recently call...
" mari berangan kahwin" Haha.. Till then..
p/s: here's for many happy returns to you guys..cheers!