Wednesday, March 23, 2011

me at 24 years of life

i'm so blessed to live till all these years, so many things i've seen and learnt..syukur!

so, me at this age,

  • i'm still not done with my study...not because i had to repeat years or anything like that but memang tak habes study lagi..sometimes(most of the times) , i questioned myself why did i study medicine...dimana silapnyerrr...:PP but dah terlambat for that kan??
  • and i'm not married to anybody, yup i know back home most of my friend has gone tru this phase( thanks for the invitation cards, they're all very pretty!!) and some(most) already get pregnant..hmmm, happy for the mummies :))...i must say even after i graduated i don't see me getting married just yet, hmm..nahhh...haha, i know my mom keep telling me i'll become "andartu if i'm still single by age 28...skrang pon dah andartu pon kan....:
  • still a blob of fat, sculpted into human figure, ...lalalalalala~~
  • still can't see my future me as somebody's wife, good, loving mother ...and worst my 30s, 40s, 50s...noooooo!!!i don't want to age please,neither want to have this plastic botox faces *ugly*
so i guess the BEST way now is just to finish my MBBS, become a really good doctor, further in field of interest ( still fail to have vision on it by now :)) must get married by 28 of age (i call this age as "i'm-desperate-to-get-married-and-become-pregnant age " OR "please-propose-me-to-be-your-wife-or-i'll-propose-you-first age"...haha :PPPPP ), stop reproducing by age 32 but i wanted to have 4 to my future husband you have only 4 years to gimme 4 kids and i don't wanna get pregnant every year ( i needed good PNC here), so you better gimme a twin ok?, no matter how it takes...*desperate enough*

*berangan after habes community medicine practical*



akhirnye habes gak exam....alhamdulillah..semoga usaha berbaloi dan mintak lepas semua..amin!

ok tu je malas nak cite pasal exam lagi..boring~~

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Hip hip hureeeeeeyyy!

*x de kene mengena*
ahhh... x kesah asal kan hari ni last eam practical iaitu subjek paling bosan sekalian alam...

i hope i wont screw my practical this fternoon..will update soon after i finished k..

owh and semalam practical ENT...the old external examiner tu macamj #$%@!!!..sumpah...x kesahla...hopefully i won't fail pelezzzzz!

Monday, March 21, 2011

21/03/2011- OPTHAL practical

status - completed

seperti biasa kite doakan je la result cemerlang yer..aamin!!

owh practical tadi memang mencuakkan...but external memang baik2 belaka...tak de yang kena marah..kalau tension2 tu sebab tension tak dapat jawab padahal baru je reramai balajar tadi..adehh

kes aku dapat tadi bilateral nasal pterygium dan mature senile cataract on right eye and left immature senile cataract...di nasihatkan korang tulis teros elok mase amek kes tu sebabtakot tak de mase nanti sebab tros viva for history taking..

overall viva case ok2 jer..simple2 jer tanye, management of pterygium, type of pterigium..cataract plak phaco, SICS ngan management cataract..

for spotters plak..tadi takdek plak histo slide..tak tau nape tak de..

for model ngan charts...simple2 jer..insertion of occular muscles for model..haah tu je die tanye..but charts die tanye 4 charts ok..POAG wajib ade, lain2 tu visual field sila study semua, tak yah nak main2 mintak dapat field defect je..haha
and now....for drugs and instruments memang the killer part la...die susunsemua ubat and instrument atas meja then main tunjuk2 je ni ape, guna kat mane..tadi aku dapat 5 instruments and 6 drugs..timolol,latanosprost, prednisolone, epinephrine, flourescein strip ngan cipro...die tanye gune kat ne jer after korang identify tu..senang je..takde la susah mane...

so good luck!

esok aku ENT practical plak..!!mari tido dulu meh

Saturday, March 19, 2011

i need help!

waaaaaa!!! MARCH and APRIL every year will bring enough misery to my life and my pocket!


Actually this coming 29th march is Fareed birthday! so kenalah beli hadiah which is the crucial decision to make and need saving from few month back!!

First year mase berkawan2 dengan die i gave him GUESS shirt jer...sebab die ni tak suke pakai baju yang berkolar2...pakai roundneck je...aku memang suke bagi benda yang die tak suke..tengok now, dah suke pakai kemeja or collar shirt...macho la konon kot..

Second year, mase ni dah bagi hadiah mahal sket..aku bagi jam TOMMY HILFIGER watch...tak susah sangat nak pilih yang mane sebab, seminggu sebelum tu dah bawa die gi usha2 jam kat homestop...konon2 nak beli hadiah untuk adik..*very lame excuses kan*
third year, pon jam juga but this cost me alot!!
those who closed to me know how much i like and this watch's BALMAIN...mase ni cinta tengah memuncak and i was actually over [way overrr] budget this time...nnt aku upload gambar jam ni eh, tak jumpe plak die kat tenet..

so now this year, setelah tahun ke 4 berkawan dan bercinta...

aku jadi mati pucuk!tak tahu nak bagi ape ......keadaan yang same stress macam exam practical nih...owh nanti kalau korang terserempak ngan aku kat GARUDA mall or mantri sorang 2 tu maksudnye aku tengah mencari2 la hadiah k..

this year, i plan i was supposed to be like this;

  • hadiah tak lebih rs10k, kalau boleh nak bagi hadiah kasih sayang jer, it's priceless!:P
  • .....hmm firm hadiah tak lebih rs10k!
  • dinner with him kat malaysia...since dah nak balik malaysia
  • memenuhkan activity boyfren and girldfren semaksimum yang boleh...wakakakaka!
here things in my mind now, but tak decide lagi

  • ipod dock
  • jam lagi...kan aku dah ckp mmg mati akal habes, no idea~~
  • paul smith wallet
  • shoes
  • blablabla...tak de idea
* dah macam nak beli hadiah hantaran dah kan..

owh satu lagi masalah! this coming 4th april jugalah our anniversary yang ke 3...hadiah lagi...fenin!

ok bye nak tido lagi cari ilham...:))

kes no 2- oh NEW fanta

Actually kes no 2 ni menceritakan kebodohan aku la ni..wahahaha

cerita die time exam gakla, before ENT kot...memang musim2 exam ni malas sangat-sangat nak masak....time tu order dominos pizza la nih..

me:hi i would like to order 1 single cheese and barbecue pizza, 2 choco lava and 1 red italiano pasta(bukan semua aku makan keh...haha)

Dominos: ok, would you like extra topping , cheese, vegs, chicken,madam?

me:no thanks. that's all.

Dominos: please mam, take extra cheeessseeeee, it'll be good,i sure you blablabla...and would you like to take soft drink with you...we have new FANTA, it's really good, you should try this time..

me: No thanks, no soft drink no extra cheeesee!

dominos: please mam, this time is different..all are new stocks..the new fanta is reAAAAALLyyy good!please take extra cheese mam

setelah hampir 5 minit die dok promote extra cheese and new fanta tu, aku pon ...

me: ok just gimme extra cheese pizza with orange fanta(nak jugak aku rasa fanta baru ni)

20 minit kemudian, abang deliery ni pon sampai..

pizza okla...penuh EXTRA calories, extra cheese nak try la plak new FANTA ni, sekali tengok fanta ni same je, nak kate botol lain ke tak plak, siap berdebu2 lagi botol die, new stock kah?

aku:..maybe rasa die lain kot...(tengok berfikiran positif)...sekali rasa, sah FANTA same je macam kat CS,sumpah tak sedap!..arrgggh..tension ok!

nak cerita kat sini, kels kat sini kalau bercerita macam la hebat sangat, adik aku cakap "cerita tak nak lebat lagi".....kalau dorang salah pon die boleh buat korang rasa korang yang salah.....silap aku gakla gi layan minah yang amek order pizza aku tu..tak pe musim exam kite kena baik sikit ok...

walaubagaimanapon, will try my best to avoid any complication with them..tinggal setahun setengah saje lagi wehhhh!!..after this holiday, i am proudly tell you, i'll be FINAL PHASE MBBS student!!woooooo!

*ok theory practical kau tak habes lagi la AINA NADIA oii...:))

yeay exam theory dah habes!!

holllaaa, it's been some time kan..

hmm....latest update, i just finished my 3r phase final examination....yehaaaaa...result belakang kira!penat study dah and now time to happy!gagagaga

owh actually 2 incidents had happened to me masa tengah exam week tu..semua bikin aku panas kann....n seperti biasa tempe2(tempatan people) punya hal la nih...

silalah evaluate my case k..

first case;

pukul 2pg tgh study for community medicine paper,tetiba org RELIANCE call nak promote wimax broadband die...yup mane die dpt no aku pon x tau..

reliance: hello, we are calling from reliance telecommunication, we want to promote our reliance wimax broadband .......would you.......

me:....where did you get my number,hello?*senyap* i'm not interested...*teros letak,geram tapi x marah aka maki hamun sebab aku nak exam esok pagi..

tetiba die ni buat gila call sampai 10 kali...sumpah mmg x angkat sebab kalau angkat comfirm aku mencarut sat gi...lepas 3 kali aku silent-kan phone....lepas 5 kali aku cancel je call die,geram asyik vibrate....dalam hati "aku sabar sampai call yang ke sepuloh jer"

call yang ke 11...


aku: hoi(pembuka bicara...)...why did you keep calling me, i already said i'm not interested with your [s****d] broadband offer!!and where the [f*****g hell] did you get my number!!(time ni mmg BP dah mencanak naik, pukul 2 pg ok, cube time tu aku tgh tido,celaka betol!)

reliancetele:*suara dah irritated*...hello madam,we are calling to promote wimax, you should listen first and it's up to you if you are interested or not...why did you keep disconnecting the calls...

aku:..[fuck you] more time you called me, i'll make a report of you...[bodoh punye k****g!]

mase ni tension sangat,memang org2 tempe kat sini kadang pelik sangat pe'el dorang ni, kadang2 benda x logik dan org bodoh pon tak buat but dorang buat ok...ade plaj ko nk sound aku sebab aku tak nak dgr kau promote wimax tu...

owh yang dalam [xxx] tu ape yang aku tak cakap sebab jaga mulut time exam....sekarang dah habes exam (theory je baru habes padahal :)), ko try la call aku lagi skali ,sekali jer....

owh nak gi msk jap, nnt cerita kes no 2..bubye!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

i hope i wont see you again..

yeay!!dah merdeka commed hari ni..gagagaga!merdeka sampai result keluar je la..owhhh tolong la.] lulus pelesssss!!tak sanggup nak baca commed lagi..bosan dan boleh jadi gila ok..

so senang ke paper tadi and semalam??

hmmmmmmmmmmmmm.....depends la kat individu kalau baca soklan2 yang keluar tadi...tapikan, sebenarnye soalan tadi senang TAPI aku ni sebok dok hafal vaccine segala jenis vaccinela,epidemiology of communicable diseases la,yang critical2 nak hapal tu....senak otak, nak tido pon bleh mimpi fail commed,adeh..but tadi keluar soklan yang kl baca kol 5 pagi tadi pon boleh jawab la...tension plak!adeh...aku rasela maybe dorang2 ni niat hati nak tolong student score commed bagi soklan senang serta mudah, role of ASHA, anganwadi....nak bagi markah free2 la kan cam tu....tapi berpeluh gak dok nak igt ASHA ngan Anganwadi ni..dah la dua2 keluar short essay ok........ketabahan aina nadia...

owh..owh..jangan mematikan mood merdeka ini..sehari je bleh celeb!haha..moga2 semua lulus dan cemerlang belaka!aamin!!!

next paper is ent n opthal...ya allah mintak2 segala2 dipermudahkan....mahu bercuti dengan tenang dan mewah..pelessssssssss

Saturday, March 12, 2011


good news is aku boleh masuk final for all the subjects..commed , ent and opthal...bad news is im so not ready for final...sheeeaaaazzz!


berbekalkan carry mark yang just lepas2 paras hidung ni, i promise i'll try my most best effort ever to pass all the subjects....pass je ok..tgk ni ciri2 doctor yang tak bercita2 tinggi...and this commed subject is killing me!!boring gile ok..

enough mengomel, for now till next friday(hari merdeka ok, paper theory habes) im just gonna pretend that im actually studying now so that i can enjoy my holiday at malaysia sepuas2nyer..

plus, i really have to pass this phase so duit2 jualan saree last time i send home konon2 prepare duit for supplement boleh di joli sepuas hati....:))


back to "kusut" mood

Monday, March 7, 2011

status not known

Final MBBS third phase is coming so damn fast...i'm pretty concerned here..

first i got to clear the subjects but before that...i got to be able to appear for the final examination!!oh my dearmost dean...please let me take the subjects...tho my attendance sucks!hisssshh!! and i will only know till this thursday...scary!!so for now just study!!!especially commed and OPTHAL!sheezzzzz!

i've learnt 2 things here

  1. first you need that 75% attendance to APPEAR for the examination
  2. secondly, you need to study, RELATED knowledge to pass the subject :P
so till the result came this thursday...bubbye!

About Me

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I may not a blog-addict but i do have one n don't judge me by my writing coz im the one who knows well behind all this story and definitely not like what you think it is...happy reading